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Tasks and Task Instances ​

useTask() returns a Task. You can think of it as a wrapper object over the generator function. Just like an async function can be called many times with different arguments and different results, so can Task. Tasks are performed and the result of that is a TaskInstance. One Task can therefore have many task instances. But as opposed to plain functions, Task is a reactive object and it is aware of all its instances.

Among other things, Task is running if at least one of its instances is running. You can access last and lastSuccessful task instance.

const getUsersTask = useTask(function*() {
  const response = yield get("/api/users");
const getUsers = getUsersTask.perform(); // TaskInstance

Passing tasks ​

This encapsulation brings benefits especially if your components are aware of it. Instead of passing a callback or emitting events, you can pass a task to a component:

<RegisterForm :saveTask="saveUserTask" />

When the form is submitted, the component calls saveTask.perform(userData). There's benefits to this approach:

  • There's no need to pass several props like isLoading, serverError and onSuccess
  • Task API is always the same, so it ensures code and UX consistency across different places
  • The saveUserTask can potentially be also passed elsewhere
  • saveTask can be mocked in component tests. There's no need to do network stubbing. You can test just client side validation in RegisterForm component test and the whole flow in an E2E test or <RegisterPage> component test.

Let's take a look at a different scenario:

There's a <Home> component with a template like this:

  <Row v-if="!isFeedLoading">
    <Feed :data="feedData">
    <SuggestedProfiles />
  <div v-else>

Let's assume component <SuggestedProfiles /> does an AJAX request on it's own. The problem is the AJAX happens when <SuggestedProfiles /> is being rendered, which only happens when isFeedLoading is true, which means it must wait for feed to finish loading. Yet, the loading could easily happen in parallel.
One way to solve this is to refactor with tasks:

    <Feed :fetchTask="getFeedTask" />
    <SuggestedProfiles :fetchTask="getProfilesTask" />

In this case <Home> is in control of data fetching. It can perform both tasks in parallel, or one after another. But the data fetching strategy can be changed without passing specific props and changing logic in different components. Both <Feed> and <SuggestedProfiles> are simple presentational components for which it's easy to write tests.

Generic task-aware components ​

If we're operating with tasks, we can create generic components that can operate with them smartly.

<AsyncContent /> ​

<AsyncContent :task="task">
  <div v-if="task.last.value">
    {{ task.last.value }}

Such a component can...

  • Display a spinner if task.isRunning
  • Display an error from task.last.error with an option to retry (task.perform())
  • Resiliently try to perform the task again in case of an network error
  • Display the default slot if the data are ready
  • Enforce consistent loading and error views

The error and loading views can be overriden with scoped slots:

<AsyncContent :task="task">
  <template v-slot:running>Some-content-placeholder</template>
  <template>{{ task.last.value }}</template>

<TaskButton /> ​

<TaskButton :task="deleteTask">Delete</Task>

Perform the task on click, show a spinner inside if the task is running. In case of an error, show it in a dropdown.

Others ​

The list goes on, there can be <TaskForm>, <TaskModal> and so on. You can make your components very task aware or not at all. Tasks enforce consistency, but having these specific components locks you in to using them (which might be a good thing though:)).